TUNINETTI PNEUMATICI s.r.l. is a company with fifty years’ experience in the sale and retreading of all types of tyres.
The knowledge gained over the years in the field of allows us to meet the most varied needs of our customers.
Our company’s true vocation, on our premises which extend over 6,000m2 (with some 2,000m2 covered), are tyres for INDUSTRIAL AND EARTH-MOVING VEHICLES. Our customers can rely on a 24-Hour Callout assistance service, with three mobile units equipped both for maintenance services at your premises in addition to full breakdown service, and a stock of more than 1,500 new and retreaded truck tyres.
As for our RETREADING operations...We have been retreading truck tyres since 1980 according to the rules set out by the major producers in the world.
Only the finest materials are used in the production cycle, meaning our products are certified by TÜV NORD.
In summary, we say, and our many customers prove, that we offer a highly specialized structure providing a service designed to meet the specific needs of customers looking for a serious and reliable partner.
We would be happy to arrange a meeting for you to test our potential in person.